
About the 上州医科大学 执业护士实习和奖学金 (UMUNPR) 程序

The 上州医科大学 执业护士实习和奖学金 (UMUNPR) is a comprehensive 12-month program. 它包括教学和临床体验学习. This program is designed to provide support for the transition to primary care practice for recently graduated and newly practicing Advanced Practice Registered Nurses.

由上州医科大学护理学院管理, UMUNPR计划每年招收四名执业护士住院医师. 每位住院医师将被安排在我们的临床合作伙伴之一. 这些地点是奥本的东山医疗中心, NY, 雪城的自由资源公司, NY, 内德鲁的奥内达加国家, NY, 以及锡拉丘兹的家庭医学, NY. 居民 will engage in clinical rotations across various specialties and benefit from specialized interdisciplinary training sessions and workshops.


The clinical sites of the UMUNPR were carefully selected to offer residents access to rural, 城市, 以及服务水平低下的部落地区.



Founded in 1834, UHCC has a longstanding history as the region's leading healthcare organization. UHCC位于纽约州的地理中心,服务1.800万人, often the most seriously ill and injured at three hospitals including the region's level I trauma center and a 儿科-focused hospital, 一个专门的癌症中心, 还有很多卫星站点. UHCC由DNV认证. UMU的集水区从宾夕法尼亚州边境延伸到加拿大, 覆盖整个CNY地区, 其中大部分主要是农村地区,并被指定为HPSA地区. 临床护理, 太, 是广泛传播的吗, through the meaningful use of technology and online support to the entire state through the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Poison Center. 作为一家生物医学研究企业, UHCC的重点是包括癌症在内的最普遍的人类疾病, 糖尿病, 心脏病, 神经系统紊乱, 愿景, 以及传染病. The population of the region has significant unmet needs for PC and behavioral/ maternal health care services. 因为集水区的人口种类繁多, there are diverse challenges in providing needed services with full consideration of multiple social determinants of health. This provides a unique opportunity for UMUNPR residents to work with identified underserved populations in community-based settings.



East Hill Medical Center has served Cayuga County residents for over 50 years and is recognized by the federal government as a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). 作为FQHC, 东山的服务对所有人开放,不论年龄大小, 婚姻状况, 或者收入水平, 并且永远是完全保密的. EHMC offers sliding scale fees to ensure no one is denied healthcare due to inability to pay. EHMC is committed to high service standards, professional ethics, and the protection of human rights. EHMC提供从出生到生命结束的综合初级保健,包括行为健康, 牙科, 成人, 儿科, 家庭医学. EHMC的保护伞包括Duckett家庭医疗服务客户16岁及以上, 成人医学侧重于急性护理, 山顶儿科服务于从出生到21岁的儿童, 东山牙科诊所, 以及不断壮大的行为健康部门“内在健康”,它被融入到所有的实践中. 工作人员 work in community-based settings as well to administer COVID-19 接种疫苗 and boosters and provide school-based 牙科 care. EHMC高度专业化和多元化的员工作为一个团队协同工作, 经常在内部转诊病人之间提供全面的服务, 综合保健服务. EHMC提供常规医疗护理, 接种疫苗, 慢性疾病管理, 预防保健, 学校和工作体检, 好孩子和病人的探访, 发育筛查, 牙科检查, 做一, 和治疗, 生殖保健, 营养咨询, 对母乳喂养母亲的支持, ADD/ADHD和行为筛查, 成瘾医学, 精神病的评估, 危机的支持, 治疗, 护理协调, 和更多的.



自由资源, BCLR是一家501(c)(3)非营利性公司, 公司成立于1978年,总部位于纽约州锡拉丘兹. BCLR’s mission is to assist individuals 和家庭 in need of achieving improved quality of life by providing Health and Behavioral Health services tailored to meet their particular needs. LRI provides a broad range of integrated Behavioral Health, Physical Health, and Social Services. BCLR has expertise in providing innovative services to children/youth/成年人 with complex behavioral health disorders/chronic medical conditions. BCLR has consistently provided culturally sensitive services across various outpatient clinics, 康复中心, 就业, 移动危机, 危机缓解, 寄养, 社区居民, 支持性生活/住房计划, 以及我们的家庭健康护理管理项目. 我们人为本, evidence-based services effectively lead to successful outcomes in children and 成年人 with chronic behavioral health/medical/addiction co-occurring conditions.

BCLR发球超过5次,000人每年接受行为健康服务,包括个人, 家庭, 儿童群体心理治疗, 青少年, 成年人, 和家庭. Clients engaged in psycho治疗 with an identified need are also eligible for psychiatric evaluation, 药物管理(包括注射药物), 以及病例管理. 药物辅助治疗(MAT)的物质使用障碍也提供, 以及危机服务和同伴支持. BCLR服务2人,000名患者在卫生部提供的成人初级保健下, 儿科, 生殖健康服务. BCLR有一个现场, 通过热那亚医疗保健综合药房以及现场实验室服务. BCLR于2020年获得SAMHSA CCBHC拨款,目前是CCBHC- ia受助人. BCLR也是NCQA PCMH认可的. 大约73%的BCLR客户参加了医疗补助/医疗补助管理医疗, 17%的人参加了商业保险,10%参加了医疗保险.



奥农达加民族是豪德诺苏尼邦联的一个成员. The Haudenosaunee is translated to the People of the Longhouse which is an alliance of native nations united for hundreds of years by law, 传统, 信仰, 文化价值观. 豪德诺松尼人也被称为易洛魁人或六族联盟. The Haudenosaunee consists of the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tuscarora nations. The Onondaga Nation lies in the middle of the Haudenosaunee territory and is also known as the Central Fire. The Central Fire is a term used to describe Onondaga as a place where the Hoyá•neh (Chiefs) meet in a Grand Council. Because of this, the Onondaga Nation is also referred to as Ganakdagweñni•yo’geh or the Capital. 奥内达加仍然由我们的传统政府管理. 使奥内达加成为海龟岛上最古老的民主政府之一. The tenants of the Great Law have kept the fourteen Onondaga Chiefs and their Clan Mothers caretakers of our land, 仪式, 以及与其他国家的政府关系. Because Onondaga has resisted all attempts by the United States to change Onondaga into a “tribal elective system”, 奥农达加民族继续保持其主权.

The Onondaga Nation Health Center commonly referenced as “the Clinic” is an exciting opportunity to be a part of a collaborative team providing intergenerational 家庭 care to the community of the Onondaga Nation. 位于锡拉丘兹市以南约10英里处, the Onondaga Nation Health Center is a modern facility offering innovative and comprehensive care to the community. 这是一个分享和发展临床知识和技能的美好环境.


The mission of the 上州医科大学 执业护士实习和奖学金 (UMUNPR) program is to prepare new nurse practitioners to effectively provide primary care in community-based settings. This residency will enhance the learning experience and transition to practice and will focus on underserved populations in rural, 城市, 部落社区.


The 愿景 of the 上州医科大学 执业护士实习和奖学金 is to improve health across the communities we serve, 通过培养下一代执业护士.


纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 is located in the city of Syracuse – a part of 纽约中部 (CNY) State. It’s a beautiful, friendly, and very affordable place to live with many things to do and see. 进出医疗中心很方便,当地的住房也负担得起.

CNY区有几家商店, 餐厅, 文化的机会, 博物馆, 专业剧院. 在夏季和冬季, there are ample outdoor recreational options at our numerous nearby county and state parks. 下坡滑雪和越野滑雪, 滑冰, 游泳, 划船, 医疗中心30分钟的车程内都有徒步旅行的机会.

了解更多关于锡拉丘兹 & 纽约中部


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