

Patient Family Care Center LogoWhat makes you proud to be an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Employee?

当骄傲的故事被提交时,我们将把这些故事放在以下类别:合作, 专业, 整体护理, 资源, 和教育.

Read the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Nursing 骄傲的故事 Blog



Clinical Nurses Collaborating to Improve Care and Prevent Infections

2018年4月, 发现9F神经科学ICU的EVD(外脑室引流)导管相关感染增加. 9F护理小组与感染控制和神经外科主治医生密切合作,跟踪该单位的感染率.

Data demonstrated that in the 13 months prior, approximately 13% of patients with an EVD developed an infection. In May 2018, the rate was 43%. 我们确定需要采取干预措施来预防EVD导管相关感染.

Led by Nurse Manager Jennifer Schleier, together with clinical nurses, an Infection Control practitioner, and Neurosurgery attending physicians, EVD导管相关感染预防小组于2018年6月成立,旨在确定预防EVD相关感染的新技术.

After a comprehensive review of our data and the latest literature, 该团队决定用一种创新的抗菌剂浸渍导管取代目前的EVD导管, The BactiSeal Codman EVD catheter. 2018年9月,开始使用新的BactiSeal Codman EVD导管. 该团队的合作和新技术的使用使EVD导管相关感染从2018年5月的43%下降到2018年10月的0%, 2018年11月0%, 2018年12月为0%.


提交ted by Chad Goodell, BSN, RN, SCRN, 9F Neuro Critical Care   


This is just one story submitted by an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 nurse, which describes their pride in caring for patients at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 这些故事被收集和分享,作为我们磁铁指定之旅的一部分. 磁铁认可计划指定世界范围内的护理领导者成功地调整其护理战略目标以改善组织患者结果的组织. 磁石认可计划为护理卓越提供了路线图, which benefits the whole of an organization. 护士, 磁铁认可意味着教育和发展贯穿于每个职业阶段, which leads to greater autonomy at the bedside. 给病人, it means the very best care, 由护士们接生,他们得到了支持,尽其所能做到最好.


推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Nursing: The True Meaning of Teamwork

在过去的一年里,高压氧和伤口护理中心经历了大量的人员流动:从MOA的退休到我们的护士经理接受了一个新的工作机会. As a result, this group has learned the true meaning of teamwork. Where one might think that our unit could have fallen apart, everyone has reached out a helping hand to make sure all continues to run smoothly; taking on duties such as scheduling, 推荐, 政策写, 教育和培训. 同时把病人放在护理的中心,并张开双臂欢迎其他人. 一位新成员说:“我喜欢我们单位的积极性和团队精神! It makes me happy to come to work every day.” Another said she loves that together, “we are up for any task.”

Our nurses are still achieving their own goals such as CAP, certifications 和教育 goals including BSN and MSN.  人们继续参加会议,员工甚至在我们当地的研讨会上发言. The unit seems to have not missed a beat with so many transitions. We are proud to say our patients remain happy too, with the wound care center receiving an award of 95.1%患者满意度. This is a unit that put the team in Teamwork!       


由Diana M提交. 黑白花牛, BSN, RN, CHRN Clinical Training Specialist and Safety Officer, Hyperbaric and Wound care center 


This is just one story submitted by an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 nurse, which describes their pride in caring for patients at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 这些故事被收集和分享,作为我们磁铁指定之旅的一部分. 磁铁认可计划指定世界范围内的护理领导者成功地调整其护理战略目标以改善组织患者结果的组织. 磁石认可计划为护理卓越提供了路线图, which benefits the whole of an organization. 护士, 磁铁认可意味着教育和发展贯穿于每个职业阶段, which leads to greater autonomy at the bedside. 给病人, it means the very best care, 由护士们接生,他们得到了支持,尽其所能做到最好.




住院落 & 预防

2018年5月至7月,6I在一个月内经历了从0到4的大幅下跌, some even twice in one day. 该单位与我们的临床培训师共同管理委员会提出了PDSA,以找出教育员工跌倒和预防跌倒的最佳方法. 编写了需要实施的患者护理工具的教育,例如.约翰-霍普金斯量表,并解释了为什么这些工具对患者安全很重要. Audits were also being done on bed alarms, 还有防滑袜子,以确保员工尽可能减少跌倒的风险. 3个月后,下跌幅度从6月的每月4次,到7月的每月2次,到8月为零. 这对我们的团队来说是一个巨大的成功,因为他们觉得教育和新的程序是有效的,改善了病人的护理.


提交ted by Rebecca Fabrizio, BSN, RN, CCRN
Clinical Leader, 6I MICU


This is just one story submitted by an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 nurse, which describes their pride in caring for patients at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 这些故事被收集和分享,作为我们磁铁指定之旅的一部分. 磁铁认可计划指定世界范围内的护理领导者成功地调整其护理战略目标以改善组织患者结果的组织. 磁石认可计划为护理卓越提供了路线图, which benefits the whole of an organization. 护士, 磁铁认可意味着教育和发展贯穿于每个职业阶段, which leads to greater autonomy at the bedside. 给病人, it means the very best care, 由护士们接生,他们得到了支持,尽其所能做到最好.


Working Together to Provide Exceptional Care

我的同事, 梅丽莎·格里芬和我都是受过专业训练的美国手语翻译. 梅丽莎和我开始为一位患有精神健康问题的年轻失聪男性患者做口译.  

顺便说一句, I’m closer in age to this young man's mother, while Melissa is closer in age to what would be an older sister. 这位母亲总是要求我提供口译服务,她觉得她可以信任我,而且我在与精神科医生的所有病人互动中都在场. 随着时间的推移, 我觉得这个年轻人在挣扎着向精神病医生敞开心扉, 所以我问是否可以让梅丽莎代替我做翻译.

This young man connected with Melissa, opened up more to the 医生, 社会工作者, 还有他的妈妈. It is an amazing transformation in this young man. 他后来告诉梅丽莎,他多么信任她作为翻译(对他来说是一个巨大的进步)。, and how he feels very comfortable talking to his mom, 医生, and Social worker because of her!

我为Melissa在这种情况下作为翻译所做的工作感到骄傲,她帮助各方建立了信任. 任何不信任都可能轻易地改变这些治疗的结果. Melissa is amazing, and I am proud to work side by side each day.


提交ted by Sue Freeman, BS, CHI, Manager, Interpreting Services


This is just one story submitted by an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 nurse, which describes their pride in caring for patients at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 这些故事被收集和分享,作为我们磁铁指定之旅的一部分. 磁铁认可计划指定世界范围内的护理领导者成功地调整其护理战略目标以改善组织患者结果的组织. 磁石认可计划为护理卓越提供了路线图, which benefits the whole of an organization. 护士, 磁铁认可意味着教育和发展贯穿于每个职业阶段, which leads to greater autonomy at the bedside. 给病人, it means the very best care, 由护士们接生,他们得到了支持,尽其所能做到最好.



Pomp and Circumstances During a Pandemic

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, 玛丽埃尔·韦斯顿(Mariel Weston)和我发现,我们的五位护理同事无法走上讲台,领取毕业证书来庆祝他们的毕业. 其中一位在克服了许多个人障碍后,获得了BSN学位, 其中3人获得了FNP, and one with her MSN and is continuing on as a nurse educator/FNP.

我们认为他们的辛勤工作应该得到有意义的承认. 我们想出了一个主意,我们将为他们举办一个“毕业典礼/派对”." Implementing all social distancing rules, 我们画出了整个楼层以及每个人要站的位置, including the staff who wanted to attend. 因为外面的游客不能亲自参加这个活动, 我们拍下视频,用facetime实时分享,这样他们的家人和朋友就能看到他们的成就得到了认可.

这个活动在很多层面上都是值得的,因为这些女士们投入了血液, 他们在接受教育的过程中挥洒汗水,我们为他们的成就感到激动. 我为成人血液肿瘤学团队感到非常自豪,我们在策划和举办这次难忘的活动时得到了大量的支持.


Chelsea Bisbo, MOA, Adult Hematology Oncology


This is just one story submitted by an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 nurse, which describes their pride in caring for patients at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件. 这些故事被收集和分享,作为我们磁铁指定之旅的一部分. 磁铁认可计划指定世界范围内的护理领导者成功地调整其护理战略目标以改善组织患者结果的组织. 磁石认可计划为护理卓越提供了路线图, which benefits the whole of an organization. 护士, 磁铁认可意味着教育和发展贯穿于每个职业阶段, which leads to greater autonomy at the bedside. 给病人, it means the very best care, 由护士们接生,他们得到了支持,尽其所能做到最好.